Covid-19 studio update
Masks are optional. We remain a mask friendly studio, so if you feel more comfortable keeping your mask on, please continue to do so. We will have disposable masks available upon request.
Staff will be disinfecting all high touch areas, floors and washrooms frequently and in between classes.
All clients will be asked to self assess prior to each class. The sign is posted on the front door. If you have any symptoms or answer answer yes to any of the self screening questions we ask that you not attend the class and contact your health care provider.
Teachers will also be expected to self asses prior to teaching each class. If they have any symptoms or answer yes to any of the screening questions, they will not teach the class and we will do our best to get a replacement teacher but classes may be cancelled. Please make sure you have the notification box checked off on your Mindbody account so you will get the notification for class cancellations.
All classes are by pre-registration only.
All participants must pre-register on the website, Mindbody app or by calling 705-321-2545 at least 1 hour before class start time.
We are encouraging all clients to bring their own yoga mats, straps, blankets, eye pillows, water bottles and any other props you might require. We will only have a limited supply available at the studio.
Sanitizer will be offered to you when you enter the studio and you are asked to sanitize your hands once you enter the studio and again before you leave.
Frequent hand washing with soap and water and/or hand sanitizer is strongly encouraged.
We thank you for your patience, understanding and support.
If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact us at